- “CHIPPENDALES”The word “Chippendales” is both the name of the company and the trademark or service mark for the goods and services offered by the company.
- Company NameWhen referring to the company that owns the CHIPPENDALES brand, it is unnecessary to use the typographic conventions for trademarks that set them apart from the rest of the text, such as all capital letters or italics.Correct: I called the Chippendales office.
Correct: I work for Chippendales. - TrademarkWhen using “Chippendales” to refer to the goods and services offered by the company, it is appropriate to use a typographic convention, such as all capital letters, italics, or ™, SM, or ®, to signify that the term is a trademark. The symbols ™ and SM are abbreviations for “trademark” and “service mark” and are used with common-law (unregistered) marks. The symbol ® identifies a mark that is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.The brand is CHIPPENDALES, not “Chips” or any other abbreviation.Incorrect: I was eager to see the Chips show.
Correct: I was eager to see the CHIPPENDALES show.
Correct: I was eager to see the Chippendales show.There is no such thing as a Chippendale, or a Chippendale dancer, but only a CHIPPENDALES dancer.Incorrect: The CHIPPENDALE dancer was interviewed.
Correct: The CHIPPENDALE was interviewed.
Correct: The CHIPPENDALES dancer was interviewed.
- Company NameWhen referring to the company that owns the CHIPPENDALES brand, it is unnecessary to use the typographic conventions for trademarks that set them apart from the rest of the text, such as all capital letters or italics.Correct: I called the Chippendales office.
- STYLIZED CHIPPENDALES MARKChippendales owns a federal registration for the following mark:
When used in its stylized form, the mark should appear in all-black lettering with pink box. No other color should be used without Chippendales prior approval.
- CUFFS AND COLLAR TRADE DRESSChippendales owns a federal registration for the famous cuffs and collar costume worn by its dancers (known as “trade dress”). The registration gives Chippendales the exclusive right to use the trade dress in connection with male exotic dancing and related merchandise.In advertisements and promotional materials using the trade dress, every effort should be made to include a statement in small print at the bottom, as follows:The Cuffs and Collar trade dress is a registered trademark of Chippendales USA, L.L.C. Unauthorized use of this trade dress is prohibited without the company’s prior written approval.When the trade dress is used by the company, licensees, this statement should be modified as follows:The Cuffs and Collar trade dress is a registered trademark of Chippendales USA, L.L.C. and is used herein pursuant to a license from Chippendales USA, L.L.C. Any unauthorized use of this trade dress is strictly prohibited.Recently there have been many false secondary reports concerning the outcome of a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit involving Chippendales. The below Press Release issued October 7, 2010, is intended for your reference to clarify the facts.
CHIPPENDALES® SETS RECORD STRAIGHT REGARDING “CUFFS AND COLLAR” TRADEMARK APPEAL DECISIONLas Vegas, NV (PRWEB) October 7, 2010Chippendales® is setting the record straight regarding the recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (case number 2009-1370) and the many secondary reports regarding the decision that have contained serious misrepresentations about the Court’s holding and the current status of Chippendales’ rights to its famous “Cuffs and Collar” trade dress.Chippendales will continue to vigorously enforce its rights to this mark in the female entertainment market as well as in related markets such as clothing, calendars, nightclubs, Casino games, or other products primarily bought for or by women. In the case just decided, Chippendales sought to lower its enforcement costs by establishing that its “Cuffs and Collar” uniform is inherently distinctive which has certain benefits in litigation and generally makes infringers more apt to quickly settle.
Chippendales is the premier provider of entertainment for women and recently celebrated its 30th Anniversary as the #1 Male Revue in the World. The Company produces Broadway-style shows worldwide and licenses its intellectual property for select consumer products ranging from apparel and accessories to slot machines and mobile content. The Company also currently operates Chippendales.com and controls over 50 other domain names, providing an online lifestyle and entertainment destination for women. Chippendales.com features a free site offering a wide array of editorial and pictorial content and the Chippendales’ store, which sells branded products. Chippendales was established in 1979 and has headquarters in New York, with offices in Las Vegas and London.
- THE ULTIMATE GIRLS NIGHT OUT TRADEMARKChippendales owns a federal registration for THE ULTIMATE GIRLS NIGHT OUT! service mark for use in connection with live floor shows in nightclubs. It is very important, due to the nature of this mark, that it always be used in the following manner:The symbol ™ must appear above and to the right of the exclamation point.Correct: THE ULTIMATE GIRLS NIGHT OUT! ™The mark itself must be used in a distinctive manner to make it stand out from the surrounding text. It should appear in all capital letters, and perhaps in a typeface and size different from headings immediately above and below. If used in text, the mark should be either in all caps, italicized or boldfaced. The mark should never be incorporated into a sentence as an ordinary phrase.Incorrect: Come enjoy THE ULTIMATE GIRLS NIGHT OUT! ™
Correct: Come enjoy THE ULTIMATE GIRLS NIGHT OUT! ™ experience.